Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gettin' Lucky

Sunny, 82/52, Fair to Fair. I'm alternating disking and seeding with barn repair. Both need to be done before the rains come, although, I don't know if they ever will. Last month we had a little over three inches of rain, but it was only during two days. one day we had 2-1/2 inches, the other 1/2 an inch. It seems I'm just disking dust. I sure hope the rains come soon so the seed will germinate. I took some sorghum cane that my neighbor gave to the goats this week, they seemed to love it. It maybe something worth raising. He uses an old ground driven corn binder to cut and bind the stalks. I'm thinking I could use something like that for my sunflowers too. Hmmmmmm.... the auction is this Friday, I might go see what I can find.....

GOLLY BUM!!!! That’s probably one of the kindest things you’d hear me say on any given day when the ol’ John deere B sputters and stops with only a row and a half to go. Today, I knew why it stopped, I forgot to look at the gas gauge to see if I had enough fuel to finish the field (the gas gauge is an 18” section of yard stick from Harris Bros Hardware that I’m supposed to dip into the tank before I leave the barn).So climbing off the tractor, I fiddled around with the equipment preparing myself for the long walk to and from the barn to get the gas can. The day can’t get much worse than this I thought.

Just as Sam (the goat dog) and I were starting back, I noticed a bolt laying on the ground. It looked about the same rusted color as the disc I’d been pulling, going back to the tractor and looking around, sure enough, the bolt had come out of the disc frame and it was starting to bend “Well, lucky me…..” I thought, and made a note to look for a nut when I got back to the barn.

Sam had run ahead and was playing with a couple of the new goat kids. It was kind of fun to watch because actually she was trying to scare them and they would run off, but then they’d turn around…. Always curious…. and head back towards where the dog was. Finally momma heard their bleating and made her way over there. It was interesting to watch the protective mode of mother. Once she arrived, the kids quit being worried, and went to nursing. Momma on the other hand kept herself between the kids and the dog, making short grunts. If the dog got too close, she would put her head down and drive the dog back. Really interesting stuff, I guess I was lucky to see it.

About the time my neck started hurting from looking back, I nearly tripped over a stump in my way. Sittin’ on that stump were those danged old fencing pliers I had nearly torn the barn apart looking for two weeks ago. I’d left them out when I was stringing some new electric wire. Hmmmm… Guess I was pretty lucky finding them, and lucky we’re in a drought so they didn’t get rained on.

About the time I got to the barn, I realized how lucky this breakdown was. You see, I believe the Good Lord takes care of idiots like me and I had to run out of gas about then so the disk would stay together, and I would find the pliers, but most important so I would see how the animals I was raising react to danger or how they play. Sometimes, I get so busy tilling ground, fixing machinery or rebuilding barns, I forget why I’m really doing this.

Oh, and one more thing Lord. My wife wants to thank you for keeping me in shape. I forgot how lucky I was carrying that 40 lbs of gas back to the tractor…………


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