Friday, September 22, 2006


Sunny, 79/47, Fair to Fair. Mowed the pastures for the last time this year. I like to mow them, even though they probably don't need it. It just makes the ol farm look better over the winter. I'll do some discing tonight right up until my son's High School football game. Tomorrow, I hope to overseed the pastures with clover, fescue, orchard grass, and rye grass. The drought killed our pastures for the most part. I haven't had to start feeding hay yet, but will probably have to start soon. We still need rain BADLY!! I have a feeling all the discing I'm doing is just moving the dust around.

Sorry, for the rerun, but this is a story I told about adventures in rabbit raising this spring

Yesterday was interesting, it started out with cleaning the rabbit barn for the last time. I tried to raise rabbits for meat, I really did. My problem...... I couldn't get the rabbits to have babies... Yep, probably the only rabbit breeder on the face of the earth not to be able to do this. I should have known there were problems when the day after I bought them, I put the first doe in the cage with the buck and SHE ended up violating HIM!!! Well I quickly pulled them apart and explained to them how this things go and thought things would get better.... They didn't.

Finally the does started having babies, but not in the nest boxes, so I ended up with one or two out of eight that would survive. This happened three litters in a row and I was getting pretty disgusted going out to pick up dead babies all the time.

Well my rabbit ranching ended one day when I put a doe in with the buck. He did his business and as all male rabbits do when they're finished, he fell off to the side. I happened to be out there when it happened and noticed he was still on his side twitching a little. Well, the poor fella died!! I took that as a sign to get out of the rabbit business, but I couldn't think of a better way to go......

Anyway, cleaning the pens for the last time and were going to put tin on the sides for a goat barn. I'm kind of leery about this though, because if they congregate there you have to clean it. All the manure is going in the garden so it ought to be pretty fertile this year.

One more week until garden planting, Although my wife handles the garden I sure look forward to the harvest. Not the actual vegetables, but the pained look on my teens face as their picking and snapping beans, husking corn, or shelling peas. I hear their complaints about taking them away from their instant messaging and harkin back to not being able to watch some Gilligans Island rerun because we were juicing tomatoes. It's kinda a third generation payback thing..


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